INTA Webinars
Cross Border Enforcement and Global Routes of Counterfeits: A Multi-Region Perspective [CLE eligible]
Recorded On: 05/20/2024
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Pre-recorded from INTA's 2024 Annual Meeting
Presented by the Anticounterfeiting Committee
Counterfeit activity continues to be a cross-border, “big picture” issue involving an ever-growing and evolving sophisticated network of bad actors keen to harness known gaps in detection and enforcement in the global trade of counterfeits. Despite obvious differences among industries such as product, customer base, and supply chain structure, rights holders across industries have the common need to keep up with counterfeiters and identify novel and creative approaches to detect and shut down global networks. This session will share perspectives from various industries, intermediaries, and government on both common and unique challenges in the global trade of counterfeits and will offer alternative approaches to add to rights holders’ enforcement playbooks.
Moderator: Lynn Scanlon Hernandez, Senior Counsel, Anti-Counterfeiting and Product Security, Gilead Sciences, Inc. (USA)
Marissa Bostick, Deputy Director, Counterfeit Crimes Unit, Amazon (USA)
Jaak Feuggelen, Head of Sector, European Anti-Fraud Office (Belgium)
Arianna Iacomelli, Head of Offline IP Enforcement, MF Brands Group (Switzerland)
Bruce Longbottom, Vice President and Assistant General Counsel, Eli Lilly and Company (USA)