On Demand - Fireside Chat: Staying Silent or Taking Sides 30 minutes

On Demand - Fireside Chat: Staying Silent or Taking Sides

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A volatile political landscape around the globe has changed the dialogue among families, peers, and friends, and between brands and their consumers. The COVID-19 pandemic has continued to shape that dialogue. Should brands stay silent or do consumers demand that the brands they support reflect their political views?

Listen to this fireside chat with two thought leaders as they provide insights into strategies that address the influence of brands in addressing politically volatile issues and potentially shaping public opinion. Learn the risks and rewards in today’s marketplace and what you need to do to be an effective counselor.

Agenda and Speakers

Signe Naeve, Starbucks Coffee Company (USA)

Rick McMurtry, Warner Media (USA)

On Demand - Collaboration Is Key: Public and Private Sectors Working Together on Sustainability Efforts 60 minutes

On Demand - Collaboration Is Key: Public and Private Sectors Working Together on Sustainability Efforts

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This session will discuss the importance of government and private sector collaboration to protect workers, communities, and our planet, and the benefit these collaborations can bring to brands and stakeholders. A panel of key officials and brand owners will highlight the UNDP Accelerator Labs other collaborative projects, how brands can be part of the solution, and what their counsel must be aware of to support their commitment to these collaborations.  This session will discuss the importance of government and private sector collaboration to protect workers, communities, and our planet, and the benefit these collaborations can bring to brands and stakeholders.

A panel of key officials and brand owners will highlight the UNDP Accelerator Labs other collaborative projects, how brands can be part of the solution, and what their counsel must be aware of to support their commitment to these collaborations

A panel of key officials and brand owners will highlight the UNDP Accelerator Labs other collaborative projects, how brands can be part of the solution, and what their counsel must be aware of to support their commitment to these collaborations

Agenda and Speakers

Heather J. McDonald, BakerHostetler (USA)

Ezgi Barcenas, Global VP, Sustainability, Anheuser-Busch InBev S.A. (USA)

Amanda Kizer, Head of Global Offerings and Innovation, B Lab Global (USA)

Lorena Sander, Partnerships Development Specialist, United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Accelerator Labs Network (USA)

On Demand - Sponsorship and Partnerships: Brands and CSR Collaborations 60 minutes

On Demand - Sponsorship and Partnerships: Brands and CSR Collaborations

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Brand reputation is impacted by all actions (or inaction taken) by a company. How does a company balance its aim to be charitable with its need to be profitable? How do you create the right partnerships? How do you effectively vet your sponsors to align with your brand messaging? And as social conditions and consumer opinions change, how does a brand act nimbly and decisively to maintain its reputation?

Get practical tips and learn important watch-outs when building relationships that are intended to promote good, but that may have unintended and unfortunate consequences. Get tips for due diligence, key contract provisions, and maintaining control in what may seem like chaos.
Agenda and Speakers

Jeffrey Kobulnick, Brutzkus Gubner (USA)

Tanya Fickenscher, Major League Baseball Properties, Inc. (USA)

Anthony Marinos, Business Development Senior Manager, charity: water (USA)

Cathy Lueders, MasterCard International Incorporated (USA)

On Demand - Capsule Keynote: Investing in Our Future: UN Development Program 20 minutes

On Demand - Capsule Keynote: Investing in Our Future: UN Development Program

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Capsule Keynote: Investing in Our Future: UN Development Program

Agenda and Speakers

Boaz Paldi, Global Engagement and Partnership Manager at United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and Lead for the Lion’s Share Fund (USA)

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